Ebola: What You Need to Know

Information for service members about the West African Ebola virus disease outbreak.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=677xOF9Iua4]

American Medical Association Ebola Resource Center

Ebola Resource CenterAmerican Medical Association Ebola Resource Center

Ebola Virus: How it Spreads and What it Does to You

Ebola How it SpreadsThe latest Ebola outbreak is the largest the world has ever seen, with more than 4,500 confirmed deaths in west Africa. Patients are often killed not by the virus itself, but by the overreaction of their immune system to the infection. Here, Ian Sample explains how Ebola is transmitted, the organs it disrupts, the symptoms of infection and the chances of survival.

Ebola Virus: How it Spreads and What it Does to You

BBC News – Ebola in 60 Seconds

Ebola in 60 SecThe Ebola outbreak in West Africa is the deadliest occurrence of the disease since its discovery in 1976.
BBC News explains why the disease is so dangerous – in 60 seconds.

In 60 seconds: What is Ebola?

CDC Communication Resource Videos

CDC Communication Resource VideosCDC Resources

How Ebola Kills

Everyone knows that Ebola kills, but what exactly does it do? This video by Dr. Michael Smith explains the science behind how Ebola attacks the body.

How Ebola Kills

Hans Rosling’s Explanation of Liberia Curve

This trend shows daily new cases confirmed by blood samples; not all suspected and probable cases. Since August the trend went up above 60 and then back down. But not to zero. It stayed around 10 new cases per day. The hunt can not stop until it reaches zero.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zoC2JMgttw&w=560&h=315]

Time Lapse During Sierra Leone Lockdown

Footage from Freetown, Sierra Leone during a nationwide three-day “lockdown” where all residents were required to remain indoors and traffic was limited to emergency services and Ebola response activities.
[vimeo 106806835 w=500 h=281]

Her Dreams vs. Ebola Series

More Than Me (MTM) works in the West Point slum of Liberia to get girls off the street and into school. Due to the Ebola outbreak, MTM had to shut down its academy and is now running an Ebola Response plan for West Point. Through fear and heartache, these girls hold tight to their dreams. And we can’t let Ebola get in the way of that.
[vimeo 106450636 w=500 h=281] [vimeo 106577556 w=500 h=281] [vimeo 106831352 w=500 h=281]

PPE Happy Dance

Ebola workers at the IMC Ebola Treatment Center in Lunsar, Sierra Leone reacting to the news that one young patient was Ebola-free and ready to go home.
[vimeo 116077032 w=500 h=281]