The Language Factor

The Language Factor – Lessons from the DRC

The Language FactorThis resource provides lessons from previous Ebola outbreaks in the DRC on adapting to the language needs of communities and centers language as a key trust builder between communities and public health experts.

Source: The Language Factor – Lessons from the DRC

Government of Sierra Leone - Ministry of Health and Sanitation. EVD Risk Communication and Social Mobilization Pillar

2021 Government of Sierra Leone Key Messages for EVD

2021 Government of Sierra Leone Key Messages for EVD2021- Developed by the Government of Sierra Leone, this resource features facts about Ebola, prevention, signs and symptoms, treatment and how to distinguish between COVID-19 and Ebola Virus Disease.

Source: 2021 Government of Sierra Leone Key Messages for EVD

Is it COVID-19 or Ebola

Is it COVID-19 or Ebola?

Is it COVID-19 or EbolaThis fact sheet distinguishes between Covid-19 and Ebola in terms of cause, transmission, signs and symptoms and risk factors.


Ebola - Agents de suivi

Ebola – Agents de suivi

Ebola - Agents de suiviThis film discusses the role of community health workers in their essential “contact tracing” work to prevent the spread of Ebola. It explains the role of contact tracers in finding people who have been in contact with an Ebola patient and in raising awareness to help stop the transmission of the disease.

Source: Ebola – Agents de suivi

A healthcare worker administering the ebola vaccine

WHO Ebola Fact Sheet

This WHO Ebola fact sheet (2021) provides comprehensive facts on Ebola, covering transmission, symptoms, prevention and control, vaccine, care for those recovered from Ebola and WHO response.

Source: WHO Ebola Fact Sheet

World Health Organization

Ebola Vaccine FAQ’s (WHO)


World Health Organization


This fact sheet provides updated (2020) facts on Ebola Vaccines, addressing vaccine licensing, distribution, eligibility, adverse effects, ring vaccines and the role vaccines in outbreak control.

Source: Ebola FAQ’s (WHO)


How can we prevent ebola?

How can we prevent Ebola?

How can we prevent ebola?This resource consists of job aide cards with illustrations and talking points to guide health care workers’ conversations with community members. Topics include: general EVD facts, signs and symptoms, transmission, prevention, caring for the sick, safe&dignified burials, contact tracing and Ebola treatment units.

Source: How can we prevent Ebola- Job Aide





Messages les sur la MVF

Messages les sur la MVF

Messages les sur la MVFThis Message guide provides key messages for various audiences (Communities, family members, survivors, leaders and government administrators and health care workers) on dignified and secure burial, IPC, vaccination, nutrition, medical care. Also included are messages for points of entry, survivors and on surveillance.


Manuel du téléopérateur

Ebola-BenjiGuide des ressources pour les téléopérateurs pour le centre d’appel gratuit sur EBOLA en Côte d’Ivoire. (ligne verte). Ce guide peut être utilisé également par des agents communautaires, des hommes et femmes des médias etc.

Manuel du téléopérateur

Internews Media Newsletter #8

Internews Liberia Media Newsletter Issue 8
The Internews Newsletter for Media in Liberia is created with the intent to support the work of local media in reporting about Ebola and Ebola related issues in Liberia. The newsletter aggregates important information and resources for media so that the information they provided is accurate, consistent and reliable. |Download|