The Language Factor

The Language Factor – Lessons from the DRC

The Language FactorThis resource provides lessons from previous Ebola outbreaks in the DRC on adapting to the language needs of communities and centers language as a key trust builder between communities and public health experts.

Source: The Language Factor – Lessons from the DRC

L'importance de la confiance dans la relation client-prestataire : Résultats de la recherche qualitative en Guinée après Ebola

L’importance de la confiance dans la relation client-prestataire : Résultats de la recherche qualitative en Guinée après Ebola

L'importance de la confiance dans la relation client-prestataire : Résultats de la recherche qualitative en Guinée après EbolaPreliminary results from research in post-Ebola Guinea focusing on patient-provider trust. The objective of this research is to identify how men and women in Guinea described their interactions with health providers in health facilities and the factors that contributed to trust, or lack of trust, in these facilities.

Source: L’importance de la confiance dans la relation client-prestataire : Résultats de la recherche qualitative en Guinée après Ebola (Powerpoint Presentation)

Renforcement des capacités des téléopérateurs des lignes vertes en counseling par téléphone dans la prévention de la maladie à virus Ébola

Renforcement des capacités des téléopérateurs des lignes vertes en counseling par téléphone dans la prévention de la maladie à virus Ébola

The purpose of this facilitators guide is to build the capacity of hotline operators on EVD and was developed with support of CCP HC3 Cote d’Ivoire.

Source: Renforcement des capacités des téléopérateurs des lignes vertes en counseling par téléphone dans la prévention de la maladie à virus Ébola

Reach Every District (RED) Strategy: A Response for Community Participation and Ownership


Click the image to view the strategy.

The RED strategy was a wakeup call to community leaders and members to accept the reality that we had a problem on hand and the only solution in addressing this deadly disease was to make “Ebola everyone’s business”. Through empowerment, communities took ownership of the EVD response in their various areas to stop the transmission of the virus. Communities transmitted the correct messages in their local dialects and conducted active case search, reported sick or suspected cases, supported quarantined communities with food, water, and other basic needs until the MOH and partners could respond. It also drew the attention of the public that no matter what the situation may be the involvement of everyone in the EVD response paid off.

Resources about Ebola for Health Workers

hesperianThe resources on this site provide practical, accessible information about Ebola, including information about preventing infection, protective equipment and clothing, handling waste, providing safe and dignified burial, and offering emotional support to the community. Toward the bottom of the list you will find links to more technical guides and guidelines, as well as a list of other websites containing multiple resources about Ebola.

Resources about Ebola for Health Workers

Ebola Survivors and Champions A Facilitator's Guide

Ebola Survivors and Champions A Facilitator’s Guide

Ebola Survivors and Champions A Facilitator's GuideEbola Survivors and Champions A Facilitator’s Guide

UNICEF: Interpersonal Communication Flip Book

Things Everyone Should Know and DoThings Everyone Should Know and Do is a flip book from UNICEF and partners for interpersonal communication.

UNICEF: Ebola Flip Chart Training Guide

DRAFT_TRAINING-GUIDE_EBOLA_1-Sept-1This training manual from UNICEF and partners is designed to guide a one-day training for any person giving interpersonal communication (IPC) or sensitization on Ebola in Liberia including gCHVs, animators, social mobilizers, or community leaders. Training Guide for Ebola Flip Chart