Ebola SMS Course for Health Workers
/in Training IntraHealth International Global English SMS Health Care Workers /by Kim MartinThese messages were developed based on the US CDC’s Ebola Guidelines for Health Workers[1]. The course is available for general use and modification under a creative commons license. IntraHealth recommends that the course be adapted to meet national guidelines and language.
The course presented here is a series of SMS message (140 characters or less) to be sent over a period of a week or two to health workers. SMSs can be sent out to health workers’ mobile phone numbers via systems such as RapidSMS[2] using an iHRIS[3] HR database or another compatible system.
Ebola SMS Messages for Health Workers
[line][1] http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/hcp
[3] http://www.ihris.org/ iHRIS is currently being used by 19 countries to manage over 1 million health worker HR records.
Resource Type(s)
Ebola mLearning Course for Health Workers
/in Training IntraHealth International Global English mLearning Health Care Workers /by Kim MartinIntraHealth International has developed an Ebola Interactive Voice Response (IVR) course. These messages were developed based on the US CDC’s Ebola Guidelines for Health Workers[1]. The course is available for general use and modification under a creative commons license. We recommend that the course be adapted to meet national guidelines and language.
The IVR course is especially useful for illiterate or semi-literate community health workers and for health workers who speak minority languages for which it can be difficult to find sufficient numbers of qualified face-to-face trainers.
The course presented here is a series of essential Ebola questions and answers.
Ebola mLearning Course for Health Workers
Resource Type(s)
Ebola mLearning Course for Health Workers – French
/in Training IntraHealth International Global Français mLearning Health Care Workers /by Kim MartinIntraHealth International has developed an Ebola Interactive Voice Response (IVR) course. These messages were developed based on the US CDC’s Ebola Guidelines for Health Workers[1]. The course is available for general use and modification under a creative commons license. We recommend that the course be adapted to meet national guidelines and language.
The IVR course is especially useful for illiterate or semi-literate community health workers and for health workers who speak minority languages for which it can be difficult to find sufficient numbers of qualified face-to-face trainers.
The course presented here is a series of essential Ebola questions and answers.
[line]Resource Type(s)
Consolidated Ebola Virus Disease Preparedness Checklist
/in Manual, Training World Health Organization Global English Preparedness General Public Featured /by Marla Shaivitz | Health Communication Capacity CollaborativeTopic(s)
Boîte à images – Guide de l’animateur – Ebola
/in Training UNICEF, World Health Organization Côte d'Ivoire Français General Aid Workers /by Myriam DemsGuide détaillé, inculant illustrations, pour l’animateur d’une formation portant sur le thème de la maladie à virus ebola.*
Version: Juin 2014.
Resource Type(s)
Ending Ebola Health Lesson
/in Training Women of Hope International Sierra Leone English, Français Prevention Community Health Workers /by Kim KargboThis health lesson on the transmission and prevention of Ebola from the context of West African thought utilizes story and participatory methods to help people embrace the concepts presented. It is designed to be used in a small group setting with participation from the learners, and accompanies the Ending Ebola picture booklet. This lesson is available in English and French. All resources can be viewed and downloaded here.
Resource Type(s)
Ebola mLearning Course for Health Workers
/in Training IntraHealth International English Prevention Health Care Workers /by Kate TulenkoThis open copyright course consists of 12 questions and answers for health workers to provide them with basic information on Ebola prevention, diagnosis, care, and communication. The course is designed to be delivered as an Interactive Voice Response course on standard mobile phones. It is meant to be adapted to local language and Ebola guidelines.
Resource Type(s)
Ebola SMS Course for Health Workers
/in Training IntraHealth International English Preparedness, Prevention Health Care Workers Featured /by Kate Tulenko This open copyright course consists of 23 SMS texts for health workers to provide them with basic information on Ebola prevention, diagnosis, care, and communication. It is meant to be adapted to local language and Ebola guidelines.
Resource Type(s)
Ebola Training for Communities
/in Training WiRED International Global English Prevention General Public /by Gary SelnowEBOLA EDUCATION MODULES
The Ebola module—in English and French—adheres strictly to WHO and CDC guidelines and can be accessed on the Internet or downloaded for use on laptops. It’s an excellent tool for group training sessions.
See it here: http://www.wiredhealthresources.net/mod-ebola.html
Download it here: http://www.wiredhealthresources.net/training/filling-station.html
Resource Type(s)

This website is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The Ebola Communication Network was originally developed by the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (Cooperative Agreement #AID-OAA-A-12-00058) and expanded under Breakthrough ACTION (Cooperative Agreement #AID-OAA-A-17-00017) both under the leadership of Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs. The contents of this website do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the United States Government, or Johns Hopkins University.