DRC – Protégeons-nous contre ebola

drcebolaProtégeons-nous contre ebola

Prise en charge clinique des cas d’ebola – Guide de poche de l’agent de santé – Guinée

westafricanadaptationPrise en charge clinique des cas d’ebola – Guide de poche de l’agent de santé – Guinée

Version: Avril 2014

Ebola Outbreak 2014: Information Resources

US-H&HSA website from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services with information on the 2014 Ebola outbreak.

Ending Ebola Health Lesson

picbookThis health lesson on the transmission and prevention of Ebola from the context of West African thought utilizes story and participatory methods to help people embrace the concepts presented. It is designed to be used in a small group setting with participation from the learners, and accompanies the Ending Ebola picture booklet. This lesson is available in English and French. All resources can be viewed and downloaded here.

Ending Ebola Health Lesson

Ebola: A Poem for the Living

ebolaapoemUnited Methodist Communications, Chocolate Moose Media and iheed have collaborated to produce an animated video for use in West Africa that helps dispel myths about how Ebola is spread and promotes prevention of the disease.

Ebola: A Poem for the Living

“Ce que nous devons savoir sur la maladie à virus ebola”

ebola drc“Ce que nous devons savoir sur la maladie à virus ebola”

interim who ebola et marburg

INTERIM version 1.2 Flambées épidémiques de maladie à virus Ebola et Marburg: préparation, alerte, lutte et évaluation

interim who ebola et marburgIncludes behavioral & social interventions, media & communication, psychosocial management, & Annex 18: transmission risk reduction in home-care settings

INTERIM version 1.2 Flambées épidémiques de maladie à virus Ebola et Marburg: préparation, alerte, lutte et évaluation


Promotion de la Santé et Autonomisation dans le Contexte Africain

promotiondelasantePromotion de la Santé et Autonomisation dans le Contexte Africain

CDC – Facts About Ebola Infographic (French)

cdc4Facts About Ebola Infographic (French)

UNICEF: Aide-mémoire du mobilisateur: La maladie à virus Ebola

lamaladieebola Information about the Ebola virus and how it is transmitted.