Two birds, one stone – integrated Ebola and COVID prevention measures radio spot
This is a radio spot that addresses common prevention behaviors for both Ebola and COVID from Mali. The spot is available in 2 languages French and Bambara.
This is a radio spot that addresses common prevention behaviors for both Ebola and COVID from Mali. The spot is available in 2 languages French and Bambara.
This series of print materials (2 posters and 2 banners) were developed as part of Mali’s peparedness response to the 2021 Guinea outbreak of Ebola. They remind people of they symptoms of Ebola, the importance of early care seeking with any of the singns and symptoms of Ebola and key do’s and don’ts for the prevention of Ebola transmission.
A poster for Environmental Health Workers and those that work in forests that reminds them to notify authorities of sick and dead animals in the forest that may transmit Ebola.
Source: Mali STOP EBOLA reminder for Environmental Workers Poster
This TV spot was developed as part of Mali’s integrated campaign to address key Ebola and COVID prevention measures in 2021.
Source: Two Birds, One Stone, Integrated Ebola and COVID Prevention TV Spot – Mali
This is a TV spot that encourages the public to consult Mali’s national hotline for answers to their question on Ebola, COVID, and other infectious disease threats from 2021.
Source: National Hotline Promotion for Integrated Ebola and COVID Prevention Campaign In Mali
This short video, part of the ‘Zero Ebola’ campaign, reminds communities to be vigilant and demonstrates how to keep Ebola at bay.
Source: Zero Ebola Video
This radio spot in 9 languages is part of the ‘Zero Ebola’ campaign in Mali and reminds the community of the hygiene practices that keep Ebola at bay. The radio script is available in French and English.
This series of 3 ‘Zero Ebola’ posters reminds communities to practice frequent hand washing, clean households, disinfect food and to visit health centers in case of unusual symptoms.
Poster by International SOS translated in Bambara by Translators without Borders.
A new CDC poster “Together we can stop Ebola!”, translated by Translators without Borders, is available in Bambara.
This website is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The Ebola Communication Network was originally developed by the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (Cooperative Agreement #AID-OAA-A-12-00058) and expanded under Breakthrough ACTION (Cooperative Agreement #AID-OAA-A-17-00017) both under the leadership of Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs. The contents of this website do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the United States Government, or Johns Hopkins University.