Internews Humanitarian Newsletter Issue #3

Screen Shot 2015-03-27 at 2.47.03 PMThis newsletter is created with the intent to support the work of Ebola responders in connecting with the local population and understanding their information needs.

Internews Humanitarian Newsletter Issue #3


Tabella Tee – International Soccer Star, Ebola Comic book

ebolasurvivorcomicbookDeveloped by a team of graphic artists and storytellers in Liberia, the Ebola edition of “Tabella Tee – International Soccer Star” chronicles the latest turn in Tee’s inspiring life.

The comic book details how Ebola is transmitted by having Tee consider how he was infected in the first place. It then lists signs and symptoms of Ebola as Tee describes his own illness and his hesitancy to seek help. He eventually uses the national hotline number in Liberia to get the help he needs.

As a survivor, Tee experiences some stigma when he returns to his community, but he is welcomed after his family learns he is no longer infectious. The engaging visuals and story were designed to educate as well as entertain readers.

Tabella Tee – International Soccer Star, Ebola Comic book

BBC Media Action “Kick Ebola from Liberia” radio show

bbc media ction“Kick Ebola from Liberia” radio show, produced by BBC Media Action.

Every Monday morning, new chapters are added to BBC’s Media Action Ebola profile on Soundcloud for download.

Liberia Radio Stations Map

radiostationsliberiaThis is a map of all Radio stations operating in Liberia.

Monrovia-based Media Outlets map

monroviamediaMap of all media outlets based in Monrovia

Internews Humanitarian Newsletter

Screen Shot 2015-03-02 at 2.51.52 PMThis newsletter is created with the intent to support the work of Ebola responders in connecting with the local population and understanding their information needs.

Internews Humanitarian Newsletter

Ebola Champions Posters

mohamedandjoyceebolachampsEbola Survivor Posters:

21-Day Investigation of Ebola Patient’s Direct Contacts in Sierra Leone

21daydirectcontact21-Day Investigation of Ebola Patient’s Direct Contacts in Sierra Leone

Signs and Symptoms Poster – Sierra Leone

signsandsymptomsebolaunicefSigns and Symptoms Poster – Sierra Leone

Are You Going to the Airport?

are yougoingtotheairportAre You Going to the Airport? Don’t travel if you are sick.