Liberia Radio Stations Map

radiostationsliberiaThis is a map of all Radio stations operating in Liberia.

Monrovia-based Media Outlets map

monroviamediaMap of all media outlets based in Monrovia

Information and Communications Technology Response to the Liberia Ebola Crisis

USAID_LiberiaICTDeskReview_Final_Oct2914-2-1USAID asked NetHope to provide an overview of the state of the information and communications technology (ICT) capabilities in Liberia in three key areas: (a) network and Infrastructure, (b) software and platforms, and (c) digital payments to be used as enabling tools to assist in containing Ebola.

This report was created as part of a two-week rapid assessment. It includes information from first-hand reports from multiple response organizations, discussions with USAID Mission staff in Liberia and implementing partners, and desk research. It is meant to provide a snapshot of the current on-the-ground situation in Liberia and is a first step toward a longer, more exhaustive assessment necessary to gather empirical data.

Information and Communications Technology Response to the Liberia Ebola Crisis