Reported Cases and Population Density

reportedcasespopdensity10_13Reported Cases and Population Density, as of October 13, 1014 (Full Size JPG)

Reported Ebola Cases as of October 13 2014 – Liberia

reportedcases10_13Reported Ebola Cases as of October 13, 2014 – Liberia, County-level (Full-size image)

Transmission – County- level Liberia October 13 2014

transmission10_13Transmission – County- level Liberia October 13, 2014 (Full-sized image)

Reported Cases & Percentage of Households with Mobile Phones

reportedcases1mobilephones10_13Reported Ebola Cases & Percentage of Households with Mobile Phones, as of October 13, 2014 (Full Size JPG)

Outbreak Communication – WHO

outbreakcomReport of the WHO Expert Consultation on Outbreak Communications held in Singapore, 21–23 September, 2004.

Outbreak Communication: Best practices for communicating with the public during an outbreak. Ebola Awareness Quick Guide

disasterreadyThe team has released a 15-minute online course providing basic awareness on the Ebola outbreak. The new Ebola Awareness Quick Guide is now available online at This 15-minute quick guide is developed with content available from the World Health Organization, CDC, and other organizations. The general public and aid workers without specialized health training will benefit from increased awareness of this outbreak.

Ebola: Resource Guide for Disaster Medicine and Public Health

US-H&HS-resourcesLiterature from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services about Ebola.

NIH Emergency Access Initiative Resources

NIH-LibAccess to the U.S. National Library of Medicine for Ebola resources.

Ebola Outbreak 2014: Information Resources

US-H&HSA website from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services with information on the 2014 Ebola outbreak.

Ending Ebola Health Lesson

picbookThis health lesson on the transmission and prevention of Ebola from the context of West African thought utilizes story and participatory methods to help people embrace the concepts presented. It is designed to be used in a small group setting with participation from the learners, and accompanies the Ending Ebola picture booklet. This lesson is available in English and French. All resources can be viewed and downloaded here.

Ending Ebola Health Lesson