Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Key questions and answers concerning water, sanitation and hygiene

whowashwaterProvision of water and sanitation plays an essential role in protecting human health during all disease outbreaks, including the current Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak. Good and consistently applied water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) practices, both in health-care settings and the community will further help to prevent human-to-human transmission of EVD and many other infectious diseases.

Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Key questions and answers concerning water, sanitation and hygiene

Ebola SMS Course for Health Workers

intra3These messages were developed based on the US CDC’s Ebola Guidelines for Health Workers[1]. The course is available for general use and modification under a creative commons license. IntraHealth recommends that the course be adapted to meet national guidelines and language.

The course presented here is a series of SMS message (140 characters or less) to be sent over a period of a week or two to health workers. SMSs can be sent out to health workers’ mobile phone numbers via systems such as RapidSMS[2] using an iHRIS[3] HR database or another compatible system.

Ebola SMS Messages for Health Workers


[1] http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/hcp

[2] https://www.rapidsms.org/

[3] http://www.ihris.org/ iHRIS is currently being used by 19 countries to manage over 1 million health worker HR records.

Ebola mLearning Course for Health Workers

intra2IntraHealth International has developed an Ebola Interactive Voice Response (IVR) course. These messages were developed based on the US CDC’s Ebola Guidelines for Health Workers[1]. The course is available for general use and modification under a creative commons license. We recommend that the course be adapted to meet national guidelines and language.

The IVR course is especially useful for illiterate or semi-literate community health workers and for health workers who speak minority languages for which it can be difficult to find sufficient numbers of qualified face-to-face trainers.

The course presented here is a series of essential Ebola questions and answers.

Ebola mLearning Course for Health Workers



[1] http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/hcp/

APHA – Get Ready Campaign for Ebola

aphaAPHA’s Get Ready campaign helps Americans prepare themselves, their families and their communities for all disasters and hazards, including pandemic flu, infectious disease, natural disasters and other emergencies. This fact sheet address Ebola.

Are Your Ready?

Information and Communications Technology Response to the Liberia Ebola Crisis

USAID_LiberiaICTDeskReview_Final_Oct2914-2-1USAID asked NetHope to provide an overview of the state of the information and communications technology (ICT) capabilities in Liberia in three key areas: (a) network and Infrastructure, (b) software and platforms, and (c) digital payments to be used as enabling tools to assist in containing Ebola.

This report was created as part of a two-week rapid assessment. It includes information from first-hand reports from multiple response organizations, discussions with USAID Mission staff in Liberia and implementing partners, and desk research. It is meant to provide a snapshot of the current on-the-ground situation in Liberia and is a first step toward a longer, more exhaustive assessment necessary to gather empirical data.

Information and Communications Technology Response to the Liberia Ebola Crisis

The Nebraska Ebola Method – For Clinicians

u nebraska ebolaThis course from the University of Nebraska provides videos, media, and guidelines as used in Nebraska to care for Ebola patients.  The materials share current processes being used to safely care for patients with this dangerous, highly infectious disease.

The course will be updated frequently to disseminate lessons learned.

The Nebraska Ebola Method – For Clinicians

Templated Plan for Announcing First Case of Confirmed Ebola

Templated-Plan-for-Announcing-First-Case-of-Confirmed-EbolaThis document describes possible health communication activities supporting the public announcement of this first case of Ebola diagnosed in your country.

Consolidated Ebola Virus Disease Preparedness Checklist

consolidatedebolaviruschecklistWHO Consolidated Ebola Virus Disease Preparedness Checklist



Viral Haemorraghic Fever Management – Health Worker Pocket Book – Guinea

clicnicalmanagementViral Haemorraghic Fever Management – Health Worker Pocket Book – Guinea

Version: April 2014

Infection Control Symbol Templates

taggdesignThis is a collection of 13 graphical letter-size infection control templates for Microsoft Word.  These templates:

– simplify infection prevention & control messaging
– are pre-designed with symbols from The Infection Control Symbol Package to save you time
– are always ready to be printed in-house on letter-size paper for quick, timely turn-around
– can be saved once completed for quick & organized handling (getting approval, sharing approved files, changing messaging)

For best results, unzip the whole archive to a convenient place on your local hard drive.

Simply highlight the placeholder text within the template and type in your message. The symbols at the bottom imply that specific precautionary actions and PPE are required; highlight and delete any that do not apply to your current message before printing.

These templates are designed for Microsoft Office 2003 or newer for compatibility reasons.

Please leave the attribution and copyright information in the footer intact – this is required for free non-commercial reproduction of Creative Commons licensed graphics.

The Infection Control Symbol Package can be found at http://www.taggcleanhands.com/icsymbolpack

Individual Infection Control Symbol Template downloads at http://www.taggcleanhands.com/downloads