Ebola: A Behavior-Driven Crisis Multimedia Story

Ebola-SBCC-DDR-borderSBCC Helps Fight Crises like Ebola and Zika

This web-based multimedia package released by HC3 focuses on social and behavior change communication (SBCC) in the context of a public health crisis.

Ebola: A Behavior-Driven Crisis is a multimedia retrospective on the role communication played during the Ebola crisis in Liberia. Using animation, maps, video and audio clips as well as narrative text and featuring original communication materials in a gallery-style format, the digital resource demonstrates how SBCC can help combat rumors and misinformation, provide answers from trusted sources, calm fears, bring together stakeholders for a coordinated response and combat stigma.

Ebola Video Game

Video GameEbola in 3D: A Video Game to Guide Health Care Workers Through a Ward

American Medical Association Ebola Resource Center

Ebola Resource CenterAmerican Medical Association Ebola Resource Center

Publications on Ebola: Preparedness of countries

Publications on Ebola Preparedness of countriesPublications on Ebola: Preparedness of countries

Resources about Ebola for Health Workers

hesperianThe resources on this site provide practical, accessible information about Ebola, including information about preventing infection, protective equipment and clothing, handling waste, providing safe and dignified burial, and offering emotional support to the community. Toward the bottom of the list you will find links to more technical guides and guidelines, as well as a list of other websites containing multiple resources about Ebola.

Resources about Ebola for Health Workers


UpToDate clinical decision support

UpToDateWolters Kluwer Health has granted full, free access to all of its UpToDate clinical decision support resource in the West African countries of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. Anyone visiting www.uptodate.com with an IP address originating in these countries will have immediate free access to UpToDate.

Établissements de santé hors des États-Unis

cdc francaisPersonnel de santé et contrôle des infections au niveau mondial

Établissements de santé hors des États-Unis

The Nebraska Ebola Method – For Clinicians

u nebraska ebolaThis course from the University of Nebraska provides videos, media, and guidelines as used in Nebraska to care for Ebola patients.  The materials share current processes being used to safely care for patients with this dangerous, highly infectious disease.

The course will be updated frequently to disseminate lessons learned.

The Nebraska Ebola Method – For Clinicians

DisasterReady.org: Ebola Awareness Quick Guide

disasterreadyThe DisasterReady.org team has released a 15-minute online course providing basic awareness on the Ebola outbreak. The new Ebola Awareness Quick Guide is now available online at DisasterReady.org. This 15-minute quick guide is developed with content available from the World Health Organization, CDC, and other organizations. The general public and aid workers without specialized health training will benefit from increased awareness of this outbreak.

Ebola: Resource Guide for Disaster Medicine and Public Health

US-H&HS-resourcesLiterature from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services about Ebola.