What to Expect When You’ve Been Quarantined

ebola quarantine flipbook
Flipbook explaining what happens when you or ones you know have been quarantined.

What to Expect When You’ve Been Quarantined

Border graphic story

spreadthemessagecomicThis is IOM Liberia’s most recent social mobilization tool, using storytelling as a means to pass on key messages to the community. The story focuses on the importance of health screening and adopting preventive behaviors when traveling across the border, both at crossing points and while abroad.

Border graphic story (Comic)


Internews Media Newsletter #4

mediaInternews4The Internews Newsletter for Media in Liberia is created with the intent to support the work of local media in reporting about Ebola and Ebola related issues in Liberia. The newsletter aggregates important information and resources for media so that the information they provided is accurate, consistent and reliable.

Internews Media Newsletter #4

africa united

Africa United: Trust Your Health Worker Poster ft. Yaya Toure (Manchester City/Ivory Coast)

africa unitedAfrica United is a global team of football stars, celebrities, international health bodies and other organizations committed to stopping the spread of Ebola and building a healthier West Africa. Africa United provides critical education, resources and solidarity to those affected by Ebola in West Africa.

Our mission is to help stop the spread of Ebola and protect individuals and communities in affected areas by:

  • Driving adherence to positive behavior change messages tailored to current needs
  • Instilling confidence in health workers continued efforts in the community
  • Catalyzing resource mobilization from public and corporate sources
  • Coordinating a synergies amongst government leaders, local NGOs and international humanitarian response organizations

Africa United launched in the fall of 2014 to meet a critical need for support and behavior change messages, and uses the power of celebrity – African footballers – to deliver these messages through media, sports, health and governmental distribution partners. The campaign has produced and distributed a series of videos, radio spots and print materials (e.g., posters, football cards, notebooks) that feature locally influential celebrities delivering health and support messages, and we work closely with CDC in-country teams and NGO partners to adapt materials to rapidly changing needs. To view or download the materials, please visit www.WeAreAfricaUnited.org.

Africa United: Trust Your Health Worker Poster ft. Yaya Toure (Manchester City/Ivory Coast)

International SOS poster (Malinke)

Ebola_Poster_NKO-MalinkePoster by International SOS translated in Malinke by Translators without Borders.

International SOS poster (BAMBARA)

Ebola_Poster_01Dec2014_BAMBARAPoster by International SOS translated in Bambara by Translators without Borders.

Community and Family Engagement for Safe Burials in Liberia

ebola mus tgo bury dead bodies safelyThis is a picture-based book to engage families and communities in Liberia about safe burial practices and what to do when someone dies, whether or not from Ebola.

Ebola: When someone dies in the home

Taking care of someone with suspected Ebola: Be safe while you wait

sl taking carePoster depicting how to care for someone with suspected Ebola while waiting for help.

Taking care of someone with suspected Ebola: Be safe while you wait

Do you use the water taxi?

sl water taxiInformation for people using water taxis in Sierra Leone

Do you use the water taxi?

are you going to the airport poster

Are you going to the airport? (Sierra Leone)

sl water taxiPosters for travelers in Sierra Leone

Are you going to the airport? (Sierra Leone)