Lancet Editorial – Ebola: The Missing Link

lancetThis editorial that appeared in the Lancet Sept. 18, 2014 points out that trust is the “missing link” that could help stem the Ebola epidemic.

WHO: Investigating Cause of Death During an Outbreak of Ebola

WHO-GHS-Investigating-cause-of-death World Health Organization report presenting a draft verbal autopsy instrument based on best judgement and previous experience in a variety of settings including outbreaks and research.   It is part of a wider effort by the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) to develop tools for testing in advance of outbreak situations.  The report also contains information on how to carry out a validation study, which compares the results of a verbal autopsy questionnaire with the results of a “gold standard” – such as laboratory test or clinical diagnosis.  To date, there is no standard, verbal autopsy instrument for use during outbreaks of Ebola virus haemorrhagic fever (EHF).

CDC Ebola Website

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) website for Ebola information.

CDC: Ebola Trifold Brochure (French)


Brochure in French describing Ebola virus symptoms and means of transmission.

CDC: Ebolavirus Ecology (French)


Ebolavirus-Ecology-FrenchCDC graphic in French shows the life cycle of the ebola virus. Bats are strongly implicated as both reservoirs and hosts for the ebolavirus. Of the five identified ebolavirus subtypes, four are capable of human-to-human transmission. Initial infections in humans result from contact with an infected bat or other wild animal. Strict isolation of infected patients is essential to reduce onward ebolavirus transmission. (CDC Website)

CDC: Ebolavirus Ecology

Ebolavirus-EcologyCDC graphic shows the life cycle of the ebolavirus. Bats are strongly implicated as both reservoirs and hosts for the ebolavirus. Of the five identified ebolavirus subtypes, four are capable of human-to-human transmission. Initial infections in humans result from contact with an infected bat or other wild animal. Strict isolation of infected patients is essential to reduce onward ebolavirus transmission. (CDC Website)

CDC: Ebola Treatment Center

treatment-center     Information about your nearest Ebola treatment center.

CDC: West Africa Outbreak Infographic

W-Africa-OutbreakCDC Infographic with basic information on Ebola’s cause, spread, means of transmission and symptoms.

White House Videos

WH     Messages from the White House on Ebola.

CDC Videos

Video     Videos from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the Ebola outbreak.