CDC – Interim Guidance- Compliance for Handling Patient Specimens

Compliance-SpecimensInterim guidance regarding compliance with select agent regulations for laboratories handling patient specimens that are known or suspected to contain Ebola virus.

CDC – Packaging and Shipping Clinical Specimens

Packaging-SpecimensDiagram from the CDC on how to package and ship a clinical specimen.

CDC – Interim Guidance – Speciman Collection to Submission for Patients with Suspected Ebola Infection

Interim-Speciman-Collection-web Interim information regarding collection, transport, testing and submission of specimen for patients with suspected infection of Ebola.

CDC – Ebola in Liberia

ebola in liberiaEbola in Liberia, traveler warning from CDC.

CDC – Recommendations for Breastfeeding

BreastfeedingRecommendations for breastfeeding and infant feeding in the context of Ebola.

CDC – Infection Control for Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers in African Healthcare Setting

Infection-ControlFrom the CDC, information about infection control for viral hemorrhagic fevers in Africa.

ebola in DRC

CDC – Ebola in Democratic Republic of the Congo

Infection-ControlEbola in Democratic Republic of the Congo, traveler warning from CDC.

CDC – Safety Training for Healthcare Workers Responding to 2014 Ebola Outbreak

Information about an introductory training course for health care professionals intending to travel to West Africa to aid in the Ebola outbreak. Learn more.

CDC – Tools for Protecting Healthcare Personnel

 Protecting-HC-Personnel-1Guidelines for protecting healthcare personnel from the CDC.

CDC – Detailed Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Checklist for Ebola Preparedness

ems-checklist-ebola-preparedness-(2)-1 This checklist is intended to enhance collective preparedness and response by highlighting key areas for EMS personnel to review in preparation for encountering and providing medical care to a person with Ebola. The checklist provides practical and specific suggestions to ensure the agency is able to help its personnel detect possible Ebola cases, protect those personnel, and respond appropriately.

Detailed Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Checklist for Ebola Preparedness