Ebola Poster

Ebola Poster

Ebola PosterThis illustrated poster provides general EVD facts, signs and symptoms, modes of transmission and prevention.

Source: Ebola Poster

Frequently asked questions about ebola

Ebola Question and Answer Booklet

Frequently asked questions about ebolaThis illustrated booklet addresses Frequently Asked Questions about EVD, including general facts, modes of transmission, prevention, treatment and common misconceptions.

Source: Ebola Q&A Booklet

Ebola fact sheet for teachers

What you need to know about Ebola – Teachers

Ebola fact sheet for teachersThis fact sheet provides key messages for teachers on basic principles and steps to take to keep students, staff and teachers safe at school, facts about Ebola and preventing the spread of Ebola.


Ebola fact sheet

How can you protect yourself against Ebola

Ebola fact sheetThis illustrated fact sheet provides facts on EVD, how Ebola is spread, prevention methods and signs and symptoms.

Source: Ebola Factsheet – How can you protect yourself against Ebola