go to community care center

Community Care Centre flyer

go to community care centerOne page flyer or poster that tells what happens in a Community Care Centre.

Community and Family Engagement for Safe Burials in Liberia

ebola mus tgo bury dead bodies safelyThis is a picture-based book to engage families and communities in Liberia about safe burial practices and what to do when someone dies, whether or not from Ebola.

Ebola: When someone dies in the home

Resources about Ebola for Health Workers

hesperianThe resources on this site provide practical, accessible information about Ebola, including information about preventing infection, protective equipment and clothing, handling waste, providing safe and dignified burial, and offering emotional support to the community. Toward the bottom of the list you will find links to more technical guides and guidelines, as well as a list of other websites containing multiple resources about Ebola.

Resources about Ebola for Health Workers


UpToDate clinical decision support

UpToDateWolters Kluwer Health has granted full, free access to all of its UpToDate clinical decision support resource in the West African countries of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. Anyone visiting www.uptodate.com with an IP address originating in these countries will have immediate free access to UpToDate.

Ebola Survivors and Champions A Facilitator's Guide

Ebola Survivors and Champions A Facilitator’s Guide

Ebola Survivors and Champions A Facilitator's GuideEbola Survivors and Champions A Facilitator’s Guide

Making hand washing solution from liquid bleach and/or chlorine powder

cdcmakinghandwashingsolutionPoster depicting how to make hand washing solution using either liquid bleach or chlorine powder.

Making hand washing solution from liquid bleach and/or chlorine powder

Taking care of someone with suspected Ebola: Be safe while you wait

sl taking carePoster depicting how to care for someone with suspected Ebola while waiting for help.

Taking care of someone with suspected Ebola: Be safe while you wait

Do you use the water taxi?

sl water taxiInformation for people using water taxis in Sierra Leone

Do you use the water taxi?

are you going to the airport poster

Are you going to the airport? (Sierra Leone)

sl water taxiPosters for travelers in Sierra Leone

Are you going to the airport? (Sierra Leone)

Reported Ebola Cases as of November 21 2014 – Liberia

Reported Ebola Cases as of November 21 2014 – Liberia (mapnov21Full-sized PDF)

Resource Type(s)