Training Health Workers for Ebola Response and Community Support Webinar Series
Webinars will focus on tools and strategies that health workers, governments and organizations can use to continue the response, and help rebuild health systems.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Marla Shaivitz | Health Communication Capacity Collaborative contributed 1 entries already.
Webinars will focus on tools and strategies that health workers, governments and organizations can use to continue the response, and help rebuild health systems.
This website is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The Ebola Communication Network was originally developed by the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (Cooperative Agreement #AID-OAA-A-12-00058) and expanded under Breakthrough ACTION (Cooperative Agreement #AID-OAA-A-17-00017) both under the leadership of Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs. The contents of this website do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the United States Government, or Johns Hopkins University.